Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Plop-plop, fizz-fizz, oh what a relief it is

I've done a lot in the last month. So much so, that I don't have time to write about it. I will later, I promise. But for now, instead of words, I'll fill your yearning hearts with visuals that will temporarily subside that burning desire to feast on my trials and adventures. (Believe me, it's bliss to live in a naive fantasy world in which people actually read this schmutz)

The following sets of pictures comprise the adventures of when Haejin was visiting for the Holiday. The adventures included hiking, abseiling, spelunking, Zorbing, kayaking, Christmas and New Years, and of course moving in to my place finally! Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

I felt like I was there. P.S. Estey, cut your hair.

theKev said...

Dear Anonymous,
Hair will be cut shortly. Oh the fun I will have with this long mane of mine. Mr T this year? Perhaps Corn-Rows?