Monday, June 01, 2009

Well Done Wellington

They say if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Although that's not entirely an accurate phrase for this occasion, its the right idea. The weather here over the last 2 weeks has been spectacularly bad. Freezing Antarctic 100+ kph winds (I heard even gusts of 160+). And we are talking, constant, perpetual, for 7 days straight, sounds like your house will fall over, or you have a giant trying to break in, type winds. That, combined with never ending icy rain and gloom to even make Bobby Mcferrin frown, made for the last couple weeks here. But as Wellingtonians (sure, I can claim that) it seems the thing to do is not gripe over the apocalyptic weather, but celebrate it. Be proud of how record breaking-ly bad it can be. And also, film it. In Slow Motion. For the rest of the world to look on in awe.

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